Saturday, October 23, 2010


            It had been many years since I had been back to Australia.  Can't be helped I guess.  When at the age of 13 your parents drag you to the other side of the world, there's very little choice at that age.

            There are good memories and sad memories about leaving home.  The sad was never seeing my dog, Sam,  again.  The happy was getting away from school.  I was in big trouble!!  A small bunch of friends and I had discovered how to play with matches.  But we are not talking about 1 match,  we were playing with the whole box at the same time.  We called it a " match box bomb ".  This involved taking half of the flint off,  placing it against the heads of the matches inside the box,  closing the box and then sealing it with masking tape.  It has to be masking tape because it seals better.  Once this has been done very gently, it is thrown quite heavily onto the ground and usually a detonation occurs if not the first time then the second or third attempt.  Depending on how well sealed the box is can determine the power and loudness of the explosion.

             So,  the  "match box bombs " that my friend and I detonated at the end of the school day were well sealed so the effect within the busy school playing area was quite chaotic!!  Extremely loud is close to the point!!

             The next day at school the Head Master didn't waste time summoning us to his office.  To put it bluntly,  we were in deep shit!!

             This is why I have a happy memory of leaving Australia because within a few days I was going to England for a couple of months for a holiday to visit my grand parents and the rest of the clan.

             I never found out what punishment my friend received.  I'm sure he wouldn't have been in the good books for a while at school though! 


                     This story is for you Scott, where ever you may be.  Thanks for the great memories  :))

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