Wednesday, February 29, 2012

# OUT & ABOUT in JAPAN # ... a VERY old looking fish!!

As I walked along the street at the Tsukiji Fish Markets one fine sunny morning recently, I stopped at a shop in front of me displaying an odd looking piece of wood!!  I got closer.  The wood seems to be some sort of carving.  Maybe the guy, who is standing beside the shop is a wood carver.  I get even closer.  But I was curious as to why a wood carver would have a shop in a fish market?!?!?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

# WONKY ENGLISH # ... a cafe of people :)

    Could this be the place where Rockefeller really met his end???  Legend has it that he was eaten by cannibals in the depths of Irianjaya.  Is this cafe connected to cannibalism???  It certainly looks a bit WONKY.

# WILD STORIES of ADVENTURE # ... Java, Indonesia

     We are on another bus,  but this driver is not like the crazy driver we had when we were in Sumatra!!  There is no need to feel that our lives will end soon. 

     Our destination is Jakata,  the capital of Indonesia.  Sumatra is wonderful and tropical, a world of difference as we enter the outskirts of Jakata.  We are famished!!  Starving, as we enter the bus terminal, our transition on our way to somewhere,

Sunday, February 12, 2012

# WONKY ENGLISH # ... Dr. Spock's cousin, or just SPORTY??

     The size of the bike caught my eye as I wandered through the shops having a browse.  The tiny wheels ... they are so small!!  Then I saw it!!  The name!!  Out came my camera, I had to get this one!! 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

# Out and About in Japan # ... sorry

                        LARGE APOLOGIES for the withdrawal of the Shibuya story but I have been asked to remove it because it hasn't been shown on T.V. yet!!

          The Shibuya post will be back around the middle of April  :))

Sunday, February 5, 2012


The topic is Shibuya.  The location is Shibuya ... all day!!  It's COOL JAPAN!!

Shibuya is certainly a place that has it all.  Locals shop here, out of townee's are eager to flock here, foreigners gather to take pictures here, the fashionistas flaunt here, the trendies, the young and the old ... to be in Shibuya!!