Saturday, January 15, 2011

# IDIOT DRIVERS # ... What happens when they have no brains

                        !!  WARNING  !!      FOLLOWING THIS LITERATURE ARE GRAPHIC PICTURES WHICH MIGHT CAUSE YOU TO THROW UP YOUR BREAKFAST,  LUNCH  OR  DINNER ... depends what time of day you read it I guess   :))     My suggestion is just before you sleep,  but then you might have nightmares of blood and gore and really gross things   :)

     Was on my way home from work.  I was really stoked because I was getting a new pair of front forks for my bike.  I dropped in @ OutDoor Space to get them fitted.  When I left some time later,  actually the shop was supposed to close at 8pm,  my new Rock Shox were attached closer to 9pm,  a massive grin was on my face ... a wild and wicked new pair of Rock Shox on my bike!!

     It was well dark by now and I wanted to get home for some food.  I still had another good hour of cycling ahead of me. 

     I'm less than 2 kilometers from OutDoor Space and up ahead the road dips down a bit.  Up ahead I can see a car looking to turn into the same road I'm on.  Just before the car is a signal crossing.  The lights are on green,  this means I have the right of way ... yes!?

     Well not for the IDIOT that was driving the car!!

     I free wheeled while at the same time checking behind me for other cars at my rear because I could see this car slowly edging it's way to turn.  There were no cars behind me.     It was lucky,  because ...

     As I turned my head back to the front I had what I see as less than a second before the collision.

     I find it really interesting how our minds work in situations of emergency.  I had anger, surprise,  shock and extra anger reactions happening at the same time while in the process of flying through the air as I smashed into the side/back of this #$%*!&> idiot's car,  then into a rolling slide as I hit the hard black road!!   Oh yeah and the reaction of "My brand new Rock Shox!! ... what's happened to them!?"

     The car had stopped within throwing distance.  My water bottle was lying in the middle of the road.  I picked it up and with all the Adrenalin flowing I hit the car smack on,  while at the same time calling him the worst names possible!! -- in English though,  so I'm not sure if he understood the abuse I was hurling at him  :))   ( this is a family blog,  would love to tell you exactly what I said  :))  )

     Just as I lobbed the bottle and my mouth was working overtime a police car just happened to be cruising past.  They slowed right down to watch this commotion,  then pulled to the side to sort it out. 

     I picked up my bike and did an inspection.

     I couldn't believe it!!

     There wasn't a scratch on my brand new Rock Shox!!

     On the side of the road I did an inspection of myself because I could feel my knee starting to sting a bit.  As I look down the sight of red is evident as it runs down my leg.  In front of the police and the idiot,  not really giving a shit about anything,  I start to fiddle with he wound on my knee.  To my surprise and an even bigger surprise to the police,  I lift up a nice big wedge of skin and proceed to inspect what's inside.  Pull out a bandanna and wipe some blood away and tie it around the knee.  Looks fairly clean I thought and went on the the interview with the police.  They suggested to call an ambulance.   ( here in Japan it's possible to go the hospital in an ambulance even if you have a really bad cold ... ambulances are the most common vehicle on the roads next to taxis I reckon ) ... I declined the ambulance.  Aussies don't need them unless the leg is just about to drop off!!  :))  

     The next day at work was a killer!!  I couldn't walk properly!  Eventually just before lunch my manager ordered me to go to the doctor.  She had been nagging me all morning   :))

     I had to wait a while but the doctor finally came out and called my name.  I was lucky cause he spoke really good English.  When I was stretched out on the bed he took one look at the wound and started to tell me off!!  Of course he was kind of kidding but there was a seriousness to it too.  It was beginning to be infected that's why the pain was there. 

     He gave me a local anesthetic,  snipped away the puffy flesh,  pulled out a little stone and then put 4 stitches in the gaping wound. 

     It's funny but the 4 stitches are right next to the 3 stitches that I got from France.  Side by side the scares lay.  :))

     So ... here are the pics ... just remember you had the warning,  so please enjoy  :))

     I was a bit worried about my next question to the doctor.  The following weekend I had a mountain bike race up in the Prefecture of Gunma.  Would my knee hold during 2 days of grunge,  mud and bashes!?

                                " ... mmm ... depends if you crash!" 

1 comment:

  1. It must have been painful. Are you ok now? You have a fun and interesting blog! I will visit it again. I think I should study English again to understand more precicely what you write:)
