Tuesday, March 8, 2011

# OUT & ABOUT in JAPAN # ... whoops, forgot to check the weather report!!

It was sunny and fine when I left for work on my bike that morning.  As usual I made it to work an hour and a half later. 

During the day the clouds came in and the temperature dropped drastically.

Ahh  $%^#!!  I thought when I realized that I had to cycle home,  it was such a nice day this morning!!

By the end of the day the snow was falling.  And it wasn't just a little ... it was HEAPS!!  I work in central Tokyo,  in a suburb called Hiroo.  To my place in Saitama it's around 18Kilomters.  I would have to pack the bike up in it's train bag and jump on the train.  Can't just jump on the train which goes to my station though because it's way too packed with sheep ... err ( commuters )!!  Had to catch the subway which will take me within a few Ks from my destination.  It's not half as busy and I can carry my bike no worries.

So here is what I saw on my way ''on' me bike''!!  Took ages to get home in the snow though.  Couldn't see a thing because the snow would just go straight into my eyes!!  Stopped in a golf course for shelter and took some pics.  ;))

That'll teach me not to check the weather report!!  I got soaked,  hadn't thought about packing my water proofs!!   ;))

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